Seasoned Air Popped Popcorn


2 to 3 handfuls of plain popcorn kernels
1 paper lunch sack (OR pop in a
Popcorn Air Popper)
1 tsp. to 1 tbsp. Nutritional Yeast (Optional: used as a butter replacement)
1 to 2 tbsp Coconut Oil (melted)
Sea Salt or Garlic Salt to taste
1 tbsp of your choice of dried Mixed herbs
1 tsp of Chilli powder or Cayenne Pepper (optional)


Place the popcorn kernels in the paper sack, fold the opening closed and set the microwave on popcorn setting or about 1 1/2 to 2 mins.

Empty the popped popcorn in a bowl and drizzle on the coconut oil. Sprinkle on the seasonings and lightly toss popcorn.


Serving size: about 3 to 4 cups of popped popcorn.

Special Notes:
~ Vegan Friendly

~ Gluten Free

~ Recipe shared by Miriam Q.
